Now for many people making the most out of their garage should go beyond just installing the latest garage door that ups the home’s curb appeal. Whether you use the garage to park your vehicle or as a storage area, for the most part, there are plenty of accessories which can help you. Below we discuss some of the latest and greatest accessories meant to make the most out of your garage.

A Garage Door Opener

Having a garage door opener is a no-brainer, so if you don’t yet have one installed but use the garage regularly then an automatic opener is a must-have. Not only will it make your life easier but it will help to add value to the home. It is a good idea to have an opener even if you don’t necessarily park your car in the garage.

If you are going to buy a garage door opener then make sure to get one that has Wi-Fi capabilities. The Wi-Fi can be tied into your home’s wireless network which makes accessing all the features of your garage door remotely just a matter of opening up an app on your phone. Not to mention that you no longer need to fumble for the remote.

Image Credit Wikimedia Commons

Image Credit Wikimedia Commons

A Keypad Lock for the Side Door

Getting into the garage and then out of it does not always require opening the garage door. Many homes have a side door which allows access into the garage directly from inside the home. Though it may be used less frequently, it is still a very important access point and a cause for concern when it comes to security.

Take for instance if a child uses the door to get into the home after school, they will get stuck if the key is lost or misplaced. So, a keyless system can help to improve security while ensuring that everyone that’s authorized can get in.

Think About Lighting

Have you thought about the lighting in your garage? Most people don’t think twice about lighting, but that does not mean you shouldn’t. The right type of light in the garage has its benefit from improved security to productivity.

We suggest you use small fluorescent lights to illuminate the garage instead of one or two incandescent bulbs. Plus, task lighting for workbenches is essential if it is used for work. Also, spotlights and floodlights on the outside of the garage coupled with motion sensors can help to deter thieves.

A Laser Parking Assistant

If you park the vehicle in your garage, then one of the issues you’re probably facing is getting the car aligned for proper parking. It can be of a particular challenge if you have a two-car garage. In in the past using a suspended ball over the center of the parking spot would do the trick, but that isn’t all that accurate either. A laser parking assistant mounted to the ceiling can help with easier more precise parking.